Solution : Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client VPN Issue - wifi switching between home network and "wired"
Hi, Every time I was connecting to VPN from my home wifi , the wifi connection kept changing to "wired" and hence the VPN adapter connection was getting failed repeatedly with below message. 9:22:31 AM Establishing VPN session... 9:22:31 AM Establishing VPN - Initiating connection... 9:22:32 AM Establishing VPN - Examining system... 9:22:32 AM Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter... 9:22:39 AM Establishing VPN - Configuring system... 9:22:39 AM Disconnect in progress, please wait... 9:22:40 AM The VPN connection was terminated due to the loss of the network interface used for the VPN connection. 9:22:40 AM AnyConnect was not able to establish a connection to the specified secure gateway. Please try connecting again. A simple solution for Cisco Anyconnect Secure Mobility Client issue is to click on the menu icon near Network and check " Connect only to Current Network ". This will allow the connection to stay in the specified/desired Wifi and will sto...